• LITEC的执着追求


LITEC PIN Diode , for Applications in Emergency and Public Safety Systems

We have been focusing on development, manufacturing and sales of Power PIN Diodes since 2006. Equipments for community radio system and fire safety & disaster wireless systems have adopted our PIN diodes.

We continue to develop devices for supporting wireless communication for the relief and safety of life.

Manufacture in Japan

We continue to supply made-in-Japan PIN diodes. Long time partnership is one of our important criteria when we select our material suppliers.

To maintain domestic manufacturing, we continue to make efforts in saving energy, manpower and space in the production processes, and improve the characteristic features and quality.

Development Philosophy

There are many new ideas in the matured engineering and manufacturing technique. We have designed unique manufacturing process for new products groups. Old data verification and new data accumulation by experienced engineers are supporting the innovative work.

We are always open to hear suggestions from our customers.